Welcome to C.C.O.S.(C)
The College of Chiropractic Orthopaedic Specialists (Canada) was sanctioned as an official body by the Canadian Chiropractic Association in October, 1994. Chiropractic orthopaedics is recognized as a specialty by the licensing bodies in B.C., Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, P.E.I., and Newfoundland-Labrador.
Members & Fellows

The Chiropractic Orthopaedist has a specialized body of knowledge in the diagnosis of neuromusculoskeletal diseases, injuries, and syndromes. Not only has our specialty focused on diagnosing spinal-related disorders, but we have an expert knowledge base is assessing extremities and TMJ-related Disorders. The Chiropractic Orthopaedist often is requested to perform an independent medicolegal assessment because of their expertise in diagnosis and management of complex Orthopaedic conditions and their expertise in providing an opinion on causality.
Applications are now being accepted for candidates for Fellowship. There are now standing annual application deadline dates of April 30, August 31, and December 31.
For Graduate Studies information please click: